Recycling – why bother?

  • Burning paper and cardboard is wasteful.  Why waste a resource which can be re-used?
  • In most cities and towns, and in many villages, burning garbage is also illegal.
  • Cardboard and paper generally account for 35% of what goes into a landfill. 
  • Diverting it to be recycled saves space in the landfill and extends the landfill’s service life. 
  • That means savings for the municipality – and for the taxpayer.
  • If it cannot be re-used, it should be recycled.
  • Above all, it’s the right thing to do.

Fibre — Plastic — Tin

View our Guide To Recycling

What is acceptible in blue recycling bins?

  • Newspapers, flyers, inserts, junk mail
  • Flattened cardboard, box and paperboard (i.e. cereal boxes, shoe boxes, empty tissue boxes, tissue roll cores, paper egg cartons, milk cartons (please rinse), juice cartons (please rinse))
  • Paper - office bond, photocopier paper, paper bags, envelopes, letter paper and computer printouts
  • Telephone books, catalogues, magazines
  • Household tin cans (please rinse)
  • Aluminum soft drink and beer cans (please rinse)
  • Plastic shopping/store and grocery bags
  • Plastic soft drink and water bottles (please rinse and remove caps)
  • Household plastic containers and bottles (i.e. milk jugs). Must have the recycling arrows with a number 1 through 7 on the bottom. (A container displaying the arrow but no number means that it was made from recycled materials but may not be recyclable itself and cannot be accepted.)

NOTE: All recyclable containers must be clean before being placed in the blue bin.

Acceptable Grades of Plastics that can be Placed in the Blue Bin

What cannot be recycled?

The simple rule is, "keep it clean."

Don’t put anything in the recycling bins that you would not handle with bare hands.

  • Paper or cardboard that has been soiled or contaminated
  • Household garbage and food
  • Styrofoam or other foam packing materials
  • Plastic of any kind that do not display the recycling arrows and a number 1 through 7
  • Glass of any kind
  • Yard waste
  • Wood and concrete
  • Clothing and textiles
  • Containers from hazardous materials
  • Kids toys of any kind
  • Garden hoses or lawn/deck furniture